Predictors of survival and technical success of bronchoscopic interventions in malignant airway obstruction.
Freitas C, Serino M, Cardoso C, Saleiro S, Vaz AP, Novais-Bastos H, Morais A, Magalhães A, Fernandes G. J
Thorac Dis. 2021 Dec;13(12):6760-6768. doi: 10.21037/jtd-21-1393. PMID: 35070360; PMCID: PMC8743414.
What is the key question?
- Determination of factors to assist in the selection of patients with potential better outcomes from bronchoscopic interventions for their malignant airways obstruction.
What is the bottom line?
- This was a single-centre prospective study that included 100 patients with proximal malignant airway obstructions and underwent intervention.
- Majority of patients had squamous cell lung cancer, and a Stage IV diagnosis. Most also had cancer diagnosed at their initial central airway obstruction-related presentation.
- Median cohort survival was 8 months.
- Those with extrinsic or mixed extrinsic-intrinsic obstruction had shorter survival.
- Technical success of the bronchoscopic interventions were found to be related to airway patency distal to the obstruction and shorter obstruction length.
Why read on?
- The authors further detail other factors that were associated with better survival, to possibly assist with decision-making in intervening for malignant central airway obstruction.