Transitioning to Combined EBUS EUS-B FNA for Experienced EBUS Bronchoscopist
Ng J, Chan HP, Kee A, Khoo KL, See KC.
Diagnostics 2021, 11(6), 1021;
What is the key question?
- Can combined skills in EBUS-TBNA and EUS FNA extend the diagnostic scope of endoscopists? In some countries, pulmonologists are accredited to perform both procedures. There are some mediastinal lymph node stations more amenable to one technique over the other and this suggests skill in both may be worthwhile.
What is the bottom line?
- This small study aimed to train and establish competency in EUS-B in a small group of experienced bronchoscopists. Supervision and assessment were undertaken quickly and outcomes such as diagnostic yield was assessed. In the hands of experienced operators, EUS-B can be taught easily and is accurate and safe. The extended range for biopsy of mediastinal lymph nodes and masses as well as the noted reduction in medication doses and possible improvement in patient safety by reducing respiratory compromise could provide an argument for developing skills in EUS-B.
Why read on?
- Training and competency assessment are easily included in regular practice for those already skilled in EBUS-TBNA. EUS-B is a useful skill that extends the diagnostic range of bronchoscopists.